Kenny Niutanen


Kenny has a Licentiate of Technology degree from the Helsinki University of Technology. This technical background was a good basis for his 15 year career in Nokia.  During his Nokia career, he worked in a variety of roles, providing broad personal experience of a globally operating company. He started as a system marketing manager for mobile networks, working in the customer interface with account teams. Further he was the General Manager of Customer Services in South Europe.

His last five years in Nokia, he held roles in Human Resources Development for Operations and Logistics, both on the networks and on the devices area. His childhood experience of living abroad (in Kenya for five years) drew him to international career. Out of the 15 Nokia years, Kenny spent almost 12 abroad - 18 months in the Netherlands and the rest in Italy. In the beginning of 2008 Kenny has started his current activities as a free lance trainer, facilitator and coach.

Throughout his career Kenny has been inspired by facilitation activities, irrespective of the roles he has held.  Examples of activities where he has used his facilitative approach include:

  • Facilitating change management workshops for globally operating companies.
  • Developing and facilitating Induction sessions to help people understand the big picture of the company and build networks across organizational borders.
  • Facilitating team discussions on ways of working and reflecting on company values.
  • Acting as a change agent and change project manager global change programs.
  • Designing and facilitating leadership days for units with a global footprint.
  • Running experiental training sessions on service culture and end to end company processes.
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