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Culture Change

Optimising Coaching for Better Business Results

Bath Consultancy Group is a leading developer of coaching excellence. We work with organisations and individual coaches to ensure that maximum value is gained from the coaching experience. We undertake four specific activities that guarantee better business results:

We help organisations create a streamlined coaching culture by Auditing Effectiveness of the current coaching culture and capability.

We provide Expert Coaching Supervision for internal and external coaches, adding additional value to the process and quality of coaching.

We Train Coaching Supervisors providing the UK's first certificate in coaching supervision.

We help capture and act on the themes and patterns that emerge from coaching by Harvest Feedback to highlight organisational performance issues and increase the dividend from coaching.

We would be happy to provide further information on any of these services or about our broader work in organisational development. Please contact Dr Peter Hawkins or Gil Schwenk by phone on: 44 (0) 1225 333737.


Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development

Bath Consultancy Group are pleased to announce that Dr Peter Hawkins and Nick Smith's new book "Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development" will be published in December this year. A book launch is scheduled for January 2007.

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