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Culture Change

Auditing the Effectiveness of Coaching

Creating a Coaching Culture

The business implications
The escalation of coaching by both internal and external coaches has led to organic growth of coaching capability, and, at its best, a big improvement in performance and employee satisfaction. However, it has also often created overlap and consequently significant cost for organisations. Poor quality of coaching and ambiguous objectives can contribute to underperformance in delivering business effectiveness, performance and results. Furthermore, it can have a negative impact on employees and the organisation’s reputation.

What we offer
We audit an organisation’s coaching culture and capability. This service is delivered in three key stages.

Purpose and policies
The purpose and intended benefits of coaching interventions and coaching culture are clarified, including a full review of policies for external and internal provision.

Selection procedures are fundamental to future success. We re-evaluate these and compare the cost of provision with UK norms and provide training to internal and manager coaches to ensure quality levels are maintained.

Our assessment tools evaluate the level of satisfaction with coaching, the organisational benefit and how this compares to the expected benefits.
We review the processes to integrate internal and external provision and measure the supervision and support provided to coaches.

The benefits
Implementing our detailed action plan and recommendations will achieve the desired coaching culture and realise the significant business benefits of coaching.


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