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Culture Change

Developing a communications strategy for an investment bank

The IT department of a large investment bank needed to cope with an intense period of rapid growth. The department’s main priorities were to put a focus on front office clients and to cope with changing business priorities.

There were several challenges that needed to be overcome - interdepartmental friction, mutual distrust between teams and lack of effective delegation, as well as internal communications being characterised by the latest story on the grapevine, rather than by official communications media.

Bath Consultancy Group worked with the company to facilitate a two-way communications process using focus groups, interviews and other culture sampling techniques. BCG also created an effective feedback loop joining top, middle and bottom levels of the organisation and assisted with creating a newsletter.

As a result, the department was able to unite around a common purpose and strategy, leaders were able to increase the level and rate of delegation because people were clearer about what they needed to do, and management regained control of communications.

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