Asia Pacific
Denise works with organizations and individuals (Executives, Managers, Business owners) to facilitate professional and personal development and sustainable positive change in key work, business and life areas. She is Founder and Managing Director of Xtend Coaching International.
As a coach, Denise brings a true passion for her work, a proven solutions focused coaching process, a highly supportive yet stretching coach approach and rich, Asia based, international corporate experience.
Denise is helping to further develop the coaching industry in this region. She has built significant awareness of and investment in coaching across Asia, through her Results Coaching Systems regional management work (a former external consulting role) and her ICF Singapore Executive Committee Programs Chair role. Denise has helped to train 100 plus professional coaches in Singapore since 2004 (both in the workplace and public arenas). These coaches are now coaching others hence the impact of this work is ongoing. Denise has formally coached and mentored a few hundred Asia based individuals / executives during the past five years. Client organizations include Credit Suisse, Templeton, Research International, Saatchi, HSBC, Maersk, BI, Deutsche Bank, Citibank )
Denise has sixteen years, international corporate experience in strategic marketing planning, business development and people development (across Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, SE Asia, Australia and the UK working within Coca Cola China Limited, Disney Asia Pacific and AC Nielsen China).
She has a BSSC Joint Honors Degree in Psychology and Social Anthropology and is a trained LENS Strategic Planning Facilitator, a certified ICF (International Coaching Federation) Coach, a certified Results Coaching Systems Coach, a Licensed Corporate Coach U Coaching Clinic Facilitator, and Programs Chair for the ICF.
Married with two gorgeous small boys, Denise works hard, on a daily basis, to live true to her values and purpose.